Recon Pest Control


Commercial & Residential Pest Control

Our pest service sets our sights on placing a chemical barrier around the perimeter of your structure (home or business). We do this to reduce the number of live and active insects that may attempt to enter. This is the most important part of our treatment.

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Termite Control

Our termite service sets our sights on eliminating the subterranean termite colonies (known as reticulitermes) that threaten your structure. Recon has found, over the years, that a liquid treatment with Termidor® is, by far, the most effective product that can be used to protect your investment. Call us for a on-site inspection and a free estimate. We will be glad to sit down with you!

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Special Programs

Our special programs sets our sights on addressing pest issues that arise here in Texas. These programs can be single services or multi services. Have us out before the situation gets under foot.

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Who’s Protecting You?

Recon Pest Control has over 20 years of pest control and termite experience.  Our service area covers the entire Dallas Metroplex (and a little beyond! Call us to find out if you’re in our extended service area: 469-766-5007 or 214-918-6481

We hope that you discover that here at Recon Pest Control, we are not going to give you the standard spiel about ourselves.  Our best description of Recon comes from our customers. Want to know what our customers think?

Ask any Recon customer you know!


Don’t let it get this far, give us a call.


Your Next Step…

Contact Recon Pest Control:

214-918-6481 ask for Eric

469-766-5007 ask for Pete

Or, email us:

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

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